(Eine einvernehmliche Hausbesetzung mit Hilfe der Kunst)
Room Wonder
(An Amicable Squatting With The Help of Art)
Houses that are to be demolished often stand empty for a long time between the last residents moving out and the actual demolition due to delays by building regulations. Due to current tenancy law, they are not rented out during this interim phase. as an art project, because individual, however, they can be lived in, as individuell arrangements are then possible.
In order to present this interim use strategy to as wide a public as possible, the first RAUMWUNDER apartment conquered by art is not only used as temporary living space, but also as an exhibition off-space with a public event program. At the opening of each habitable, curated solo exhibition, there is a living room concert, and the entire district is invited to get to know the RAUMWUNDER and its current residents who are looking for a permanent home. In this case, they are refugees from the local community accommodation. And the very next day, the 4-room-kitchen-bathroom-exhibition is only inhabited privately again, i.e. it can only be visited by guests of the residents. When residents change, the solo show also changes and the next public RAUMWUNDER presentation can take place.
Raumwunder 1 | 01.06.2016 – 30.06.2018
Karlshofstraße 42, 70599 Stuttgart

Daniela Wolf - Photography
Saeed Karimi - Guitar
Christa Munkert - Painting
Cornelia Meyer-Nolle and Hermann Nolle - Guitar and mandolin
Ellen Rein - Painting, drawing, object
Samuel Kübler and Kevin Thomé - Bagpipes and bouzouki
Ivan Zozulya - Painting
Roman Levin - DJ
Tillmann Damrau - Mixed techniques
Aitzi Cofre Real and Simon Gelsdorf - Vocals and piano
Peter Haury and "Wotørwoerld / Dein Klon" - Video remake
Thomas Köhler - Guitar
Kids of Adelaide - Vocals and guitar
from: bezirksbeirat@plieningen.de
to: stadträtin@stuttgart.de
Subject: For a city-wide RAUMWUNDER
“Would that be something for the local council? Because of the constraints of tenancy, living space during the interim phase is only suitable as an art project.”

RAUMWUNDER - For The Empty House
74 Image Pages
with an essay by the Philosopher Matthias Gronemeyer,
soft cover, 22 × 31,5 cm, Edition 200
EXP.edition Verlag ©2018